Memory Without Borders. Justice Without Borders

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Forgetting is impossible. And wrong. Remembering, especially after so many years, does not imply feelings of vengeance or hostility. At this day and time the victims are aware that knowing the truth will permit them to condemn the crime, but not the perpetrator. But, nevertheless, they will be able to participate in building democracies in which the ideas and attitudes that give rise to such violence can never be repeated, and those who continue to maintain such positions must rectify their behavior.

The truth of exactly what happened must be revealed, without limitations, in order to ease the pain of the victims’ families and friends, and so they may “know” the events that occurred and receive the compensation that may be warranted.

Only through this collective memory, with a profound knowledge of the past, will we be capable of building the appropriate future for our common destiny. Memory of the future. History has already been recorded. It should be described accurately. But I like to repeat that the future has yet to be written. And we can only do so with memories without borders, with justice without borders.

Justice that applies laws which have progressively been perfected with impartiality, with the utmost objectivity... so that we will never again witness the incomprehensible and embarrassing spectacle of judges interpreting laws according to their ideology and political affiliation.

Justice without borders for memory without borders, which is essential for the harmonious coexistence we all desire.

As a scientist I know that the future is the only thing that matters and that it cannot be forged from vagueness, ambiguity, lies or simulation. The people who accuse those who demand the truth about the past and justice of putting democracy at risk should know that we will only have genuine democracy when we can all look at both the past and to the future freely and together as one.