Elections will soon be held in the United States. Much is at stake not only for that country but for world governance and the global future in such essential aspects as peace, climate change, international solidarity... It should not be forgotten that when Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, he immediately announced that he would not implement the Paris Climate Change Agreements and the 2030 Agenda “to transform the world”, which constituted an intolerable threat to the quality of the Earth's habitability and, therefore, to the intergenerational legacy...
Due to the potential irreversibility of many social and environmental processes, we live in times that require quick and imaginative actions. A rapid turnaround is urgently needed in order not to disappoint the generations that are just a step behind us.
The U.S. must now become a leader in the respect and full exercise of human rights, democratic principles and multilateralism. At the end of the Second World War, when Nazism and fascism were defeated - at what a price! - the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, not only created the United Nations with an excellent democratic multilateral design, but also appointed the Commission which, chaired by his wife Eleonora, lucidly drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The country that in 1948 was the standard bearer, by President Roosevelt's own widow, for the drafting, dissemination and adoption by the United Nations of the Universal Declaration, cannot now follow the policy that President Reagan so strongly advocated and that the very powerful Republican Party has continued and encouraged ever since: alienation from the United Nations System, with the imposition of plutocratic groups (G7, G8... G20); undervaluation of Human Rights; and not being part of the countries promoting and signing institutions of international justice, such as the International Criminal Court....
Duty of memory to remember that the political disaster of the Second World War is due to the fact that the Republican Party of the United States prevented the great country whose President created the League of Nations from deciding not to belong to it!
It is a duty of memory to remember the courageous proclamation of President Eisenhower at the passing of presidential power in the United States on January 20, 1961 when he communicated to his successor John Fitzgerald Kennedy and to the American people that the power was not in the hands of the President, but in the hands of the US war industrial complex.
The progressive decline in voter turnout is a matter of great concern, revealing the disaffection of citizens and the fragility of democracies whose governments and parliamentary representations have so little popular support.
A great majority of citizens, conscious but silent, see how pre-electoral situations are taking place that could lead to the triumph of a plutocratic and supremacist governance that, once again, would prevent “We the peoples” from being those who, as established in the lucid first sentence of the United Nations Charter, “must save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”....
A global call is needed from the major institutions, from countries all over the world, without nuances, to facilitate the advent of democratic multilateralism on a global scale. We need a global call for the elimination of the current plutocratic and supremacist governance. Today, after 78 years, the wise Charter of the United Nations has never been applied and, in recent years, the aggravation that the veto represents for world democracy has also been extended to the European Union, which requires unanimity in the adoption of decisions, precisely the antithesis of democracy.
Given the possibility that the same anti-democratic guidelines will be applied in the next elections, the best solution would be for the world to clamor for the elimination of the veto and the progressive implementation of a world governance based on words and not on force.
Memory duty of the meeting between President Reagan and the new Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik in October 1986, in which Gorbachev proposed to the American the total elimination of 17,000 warheads for each of the two powers at that time. When 6,000 warheads were reached for each country, President Reagan argued that for reasons of “global security”, he could not follow the total elimination that had been proposed. It is not only regrettable to remember those dates for this reason, but also because President Reagan then created the G6, an unfortunate precursor of today's governance. At the end of the “cold war”, in the 1980s, when it was finally possible to give multilateralism the necessary breadth, stature and effectiveness by providing it with adequate personal, security, technical and financial resources, President Reagan, with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as his obedient acolyte, left UNESCO and created the plutocratic groups (G6, G7, G8...) composed of very prosperous countries, to marginalize the United Nations, by not subscribing to the Convention on the Human Rights of the Child in 1989 - it is the only country in the world that has not subscribed to it -, by placing the World Trade Organization directly outside the system... And neoliberalism has been decreasing, to the point of cancelling it, development aid, thus increasing the number of emigrants because in their countries of origin they are starving to death. It is an unacceptable fact, from all points of view, that every day more than 4,000 million dollars are invested in military expenditures and armaments while thousands of people die of starvation and helplessness, most of them children from 1 to 5 years of age.
Duty to remember that the U.S. Supreme Court has a majority of “Trumpist” judges, which is a reality of anti-democratic action of enormous significance. The impartiality of judges must be something that is once again absolutely indisputable. The representation of a judge are those of the balance pans at the same level. There cannot be “progressive” judges, “conservative” judges... This is one of the first decisions that must be taken on a global scale: the impartiality of justice.
The unpostponable moment of “We the Peoples” has arrived. We must proclaim the implementation of the Charter of the United Nations, without veto, because we must note - it is a duty of memory - that it has never been possible to implement the Charter due to the veto granted to the five victorious countries of the Second World War. For centuries the terrible “dictum” of absolute male power has prevailed: “Si vis pacem para bellum”... Now, at last, we recognize the equal dignity of all human beings who, moreover, can express themselves freely. Now, at last, we can, voices and hands united on a global scale, make possible the transition from “bellum” to “verbum”, from war to the word!
It is urgent to correct the enormous incongruity of the United States being first in strength and last in fundamental issues for Humanity.
It is great proof of Federico Mayor responsibility for entire humanity!
December 30, 2024 at 2:51 AMand it also speAKS OF HIS total devotion to creating a Different Future
December 30, 2024 at 2:53 AMPost a Comment