Monday, December 11, 2017

The Israel of Netanyahu follows them as well. It was expected. When Yitzhak Rabin ruled, Israel was very active in UNESCO, the intellectual Organization of the multilateral democratic System of the United Nations. But he died assassinated and, since then, the chances of success in the peace process are vanishing.

The United States withdraws from UNESCO because the Republican Party, with hegemonic ambitions, is incompatible with a multilateral democratic system. Already in 1919, they did unachievable the activities of an efficient League of Nations because they imposed the immense contradiction that the United States were never members of the League of Nations! created by an American President, Woodrow Wilson.

And then they have always been hostile to the excellent design of the United Nations System created by the Democratic President, Franklin D. Roosevelt...

In the 80s, at the end of the "Cold War", when was finally possible to empower the necessary expansiveness, perspective and efficiency to multilateralism, providing it with proper personal, security, technical and financial resources, President Reagan with the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as an obedient acolyte, left UNESCO and created the plutocratic groups (G6, G7, G8 ...) set up by the richest countries, to marginalize the United Nations, not subscribing the Convention on Human Rights of Children in 1989 -it is the only country in the world that has not subscribed it-, placing the World Trade Organization directly outside the System ... and then invading Iraq without the authorization of the Security Council ... And the neoliberalism has resulted as well in the decrease of the Aid for Development increasing the number of emigrants because in their countries of origin they die of hunger. It is an intolerable fact, from all points of view, that each day more than 4 billion dollars are invested in military expenditures and armament, while thousands of people, most of them children from 1 to 5 years old, die of starvation and abandonment.

This daily colossal contribution to the economy of war has seemed scarce to President Trump, who requested an increase very quickly. And the European countries, including Spain, all of them unsupportive with the immigrants and refugees -more than 6,000 dead in the Mediterranean in 2016- rushed to increase their defense investments. And all have been silent when Trump has announced that he would not implement the Paris Agreements on Climate Change, which constitutes an intolerable threat to the quality of the Earth habitability and, therefore, to the intergenerational legacy.

I regret they leave UNESCO because millions of American children and young people will receive a biased education -in some Republican States it is obligatory to explain creationism!- typical of an educational scheme that confuses education ("being free and responsible") with training, knowledge with information and information with news. And I especially regret for Higher Education, as it is well known that the US has 2 dozen top universities... but with hundreds of universities that leave much to be desired because, among other things, education is confused with professional learning.

It is necessary that world citizens react quickly -tomorrow may be too late- demanding compliance by the United States with the Paris Agreements on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals. Otherwise, it must be a great popular outcry -now that we have no excuse to keep an accomplice silence- which, aware that otherwise all humanity would suffer the consequences, requires President Trump to redress.The convinced supremacist, does not conceive that all human beings are equal in dignity and that no one can irreversibly tarnish their future. It is obvious that what worries me is not that the United States withdraws UNESCO again, but that the world as a whole, without the assistance of a strong and effective United Nations, abandons itself to its fate... especially when we know most certainly that points of no return can be reached.

What does the European Union refrain of telling clearly to President Trump that their trade relations could be affected very severely if he does not comply with the Paris Agreements? What do the most concerned citizens to wait, looking to the eyes of their children and descendants, to say that they will not admit that their intergenerational legacy deteriorates?

Now we can express ourselves: crime of silence.