Glasgow, global consciousness to change the current direction

Monday, November 8, 2021

We’ve all heard that when the Titanic was sinking, the orchestra continued playing waltzes. In no time all musicians and dancers had disappeared under the water. Let’s do whatever it takes to avoid the same thing from happening at a planetary scale. Despite countless alarms and appeals, the plutocratic neoliberal governance continues to take clearly inadequate and partial measures, instead of the strong, urgent and joint action that is needed. Big corporations are still earning huge benefits and misleading people when they should take the lead in the promotion of change and citizenship awareness.  And while diffidently expressing their support for ecological measures and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, Great Powers are investing bigger amounts in weapons and military expenses, thus stressing their disagreement with “contending powers”, when they should at least take an emergency break to allow the joint and global action that is urgently needed to avoid further deterioration of the habitability of the Earth. And, as a result of the above, a larger number of war devises are being stocked -including nuclear artefacts, what a nonsense!-, thus investing -I must insist once again- 4,000 million dollars per day, while thousands of people are dying from hunger and extreme poverty, most of them girls and boys ranging from one to five years old.
It is sensible to have appropriate defence mechanisms... but the defence of people living in those well-protected areas must not be disregarded. The United Nations have appropriately identified five major priorities: food, drinking water, quality health services, lifelong education for everyone, looking after the environment. I must stress once again that this new concept of human security must prevail now, without delay. It would allow us to solve many of the big global problems we are facing today: forced migration, the impact of natural disasters, the globalization of ignorance... For decades, the UNESCO (the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the Geological, Hydrological and Oceanographic Programs, “Man and the Biosphere”, the ecological reserves...); the Club of Rome (“Growth Limits”...); the USA Academy of Sciences (1979); the first “Earth Summit” (Rio de Janeiro, 1992); the Charter of the Earth in 2000; the second “Summit” in 2002 in Johannesburg... have made increasingly urgent appeals, always unheard by the GDP governance, which despises multilateralism and encourages supremacism.
In the “hopeful autumn” of 2015, with the democrat President Barack Obama in the White House, it became possible to sign -in the General Assembly of United Nations- the Paris Agreements on Climate Change and the Resolution to “transform the world” whose aim was the urgent implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. These were two particularly relevant and appropriate documents because they requested - at last! - from global citizenship, who was now aware of the seriousness of the situation, to take appropriate and responsible actions for future generations.
But, a few months later, the astonishing Donald Trump became President of the United States, endorsing every hegemonic assumption of the Republican Party, and making it clear - with an unusual vigour and alacrity - that he would not implement the Paris agreements nor the 2030 Agenda... And everyone remained silent. The rest of the world remained silent. And he European Union, once a source and an example of solidarity, democracy and multilateralism, was unable to oppose his statements, because the adoption of far-reaching resolutions sometimes requires unanimity... and unanimity is the opposite of democracy! And nothing was done until the arrival of the democratic duo Biden-Harris, six years later... The Arctic is already melting by leaps and bounds and the "permafrost" not only entails the disappearance of the "mirror" that reflects the sun's rays but also the release of large quantities of methane, which is much more pollutant than carbon dioxide... And the Antarctic is beginning to crack and the glaciers are shrinking... And, most alarming of all, despite the action of laudable civil associations, the world as a whole continues to be caught in the economic web of production relocation, energy sources, tax havens... with growing social gaps.... We are becoming closer and closer to the abyss of irreversible processes, which would entail leaving behind a wrongful and irretrievable legacy for our descendants. In the 1960s Aurelio Piccei already warned: “Chasm ahead!”.
“We the peoples, ... are determined to save future generations from the scourge of war". This is how the Charter of the United Nations begins, with as much clarity as capacity to foresee the future. Because, in 1945, the peoples didn’t yet exist. 90% of humanity was born, lived and died in a few square kilometres, thus ignoring what was going on beyond their immediate environment, always placed under the absolute male power. They were obedient, fearful, silent, they had no voice and could not express their opinions. But today, for the first time in history -and there lies our hope- they can express themselves. Mankind now has a voice of its own and the mass media at their disposal. And today - we must insist on this - all human beings are equal in dignity, with no discrimination based on gender, sexual sensitivity, ideology, beliefs, ethnicity... Now, at last, "We, the peoples" can demand, through great popular clamours, a democratic multilateral governance, whose first decision must be the adoption of the "Universal Declaration on Democracy" and which, having the support of Great Powers, should firmly redirect the current trends.
Only thus will the G-20 meetings in Rome and the Ecological Summit in Glasgow be able to achieve their pressing objectives. Only thus will we dare look into the eyes of those who come within a stone's throw of us and tell them: “We have behaved as "free and responsible” individuals, as the UNESCO Constitution defines educated people. We will first have to overcome the resistance of so many... And to alert those who, despite the countless appeals, still remain distracted and obfuscated, carelessly dancing as if nothing was happening ... as in the wreck of the Titanic...