Be careful! The lords of the world want to impose again the reason of force and money

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

We should all pay attention to the Republican debates in the US to raise the voice on time and, if necessary, the cry against the possibility that the heads of the markets, of force, hegemony, lack of solidarity ... again occupy the White House.

“Money talks for itself”, said Cervantes. The world, that is today at the possibility of reaching points of no return in social and environmental processes and to perpetuate as "side effects" human intolerable situations such as extreme poverty and forced migration, should now, with great urgency, react decisively to those who have imposed neoliberalism, have weakened the State-Nation, have marginalized the United Nations by replacing them with inefficient and ridiculous oligarchic groups, have displaced human rights by mercantile, have not signed the Convention on Human rights of the Child, have placed the World Trade Organization directly outside the scope of the United Nations, invaded Iraq without the consent of the Security Council, have resisted to Medicare and regularization of millions of immigrants ...

To imagine a third President of the saga of the Bush ... let’s tremble! And react. It is necessary to transit resolutely from the reason of force to the force of reason and enforcement against those who have always despised the value of "We, the peoples", which lucidly establishes the United Nations Charter.

It is crucial that the leadership of President Obama may be performed until the end of his mandate ... and continue later, in moments of historical turning points that are approaching, setting up a democratic multilateralism for a social, political, economic, and environmental "new beginning" which it is demanding.