The solution is genuine education at all levels

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Education to be "free and responsible" as proclaimed in the Constitution of UNESCO, which says in its preamble that humanity must be guided by "democratic principles."  Education to act upon one’s own reflections and not upon the dictates of others or of anything.

Education that the PISA reports mislead with training, skills and abilities.

True education is to be independent (but not "indifferent" as Prof.  Ángel Gabilondo will point out, because he knows what it is and what involves, in different degrees, promoting efficient educational processes).

Education for all throughout life. All students, all educators. Now, longevity is an immense treasure of knowledge and wisdom, usually unexplored.

Our hope is every human being able to create.  Due to this, philosophy and artistic education should be always promoted to favor the invention of the future.

"It is better an example than a hundred sermons." This should be known by the ones who represent "We, the peoples", and consider that education is the responsibility of school and teachers when it is everyone's responsibility, starting with the most “visible”, the most politically involved.

In the digital era, with the ability to express ourselves, with the possibility of knowing what is happening around the world, and the woman finally participating in the decision-making, genuine education is the priority and the solution.

Before long, human beings will stop being invisible, frightened, silent and impassive and the transition from subjects to full citizens will take place at last, after centuries of anonymity and irrelevance.

The world citizens will be able to "change of course and ship", as José Luis Sampedro quoted. Only with education, science, culture and communication, the reins of destiny will be in one’s own hands and not upon others. Only then “equality, liberty and justice” will be achieved, quoting Gabilondo again.