It should raise a global outcry against the Republican Party of the USA because of their aversion to the equal dignity of all human beings and democracy

Monday, March 2, 2015

We must mobilize. We cannot remain only as spectators of those who are still plotting from the Republican Party of the USA, which in recent years --for not going any further- have marginalized the United Nations imposing plutocratic groups (G6, G7, G20), have substituted the ethical values by the market laws, have established the World Trade Organization outside the scope of the United Nations, have not signed -the only country in the world- the Convention of Human Rights of the Child nor the International Criminal Court and, last but not least, have decided the invasion of Iraq based on lies and simulations of nonexistent weapons of mass destruction... 

And they have put all kinds of obstacles against "Obama Care" (medical care or medicare for more than 30 million Americans). 

And now, in the last four days, two more events that go over the top: in Oklahoma -one of the 34 States, more of them Republican, which retains the death penalty (what a shame, what a bad example of "the “great country of reference")- not only will continue executing but they will use gas chambers!!! ... And -news from 18th February- they are trying to suspend the implementation of immigration reform President Obama...

Yes: the Republican Party cannot longer act this way at a time when the voice of the people can now rise massively.