Incredible... but true!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1. Incredible lack of solidarity of the Republican Party in the US 
2. Incredible applause for budget cuts in Spain 
3. Incredible “conditions” imposed by Europe... with no growth incentives 

1) When informed that the US Supreme Court had ruled in favor of the Affordable Healthcare Act, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney stated that if elected next November he will repeal the law as soon as the is inaugurated as President of the United States. Incredible. 

Gabriel Jackson expressed it clearly in "El País" (11 July 12): "A Republican majority could repeal the Obamacare Law passed by Congress". 

Shame on him! Since Harry Truman in 1945, Democrat party presidents have tried unsuccessfully to implement medical care for all citizens, without exceptions. 

Unexpectedly and with much skill, Obama was able to get the law passed, which has now been upheld by a five-to-four vote of the US Supreme Court. This is not an “excess of the federal government”, as the more right-wing justices maintain, but rather Medicaid represents a means for providing the US’s most neglected citizens (30-50 million of them) access to healthcare. 

The Republican Party’s lack of solidarity is incredible. 

2) When the Spanish Prime Minister announced on the floor of Parliament that he regrets having to adopt economic measures that place Spain on the verge of intervention... it was inappropriate and shameful for many Popular Party deputies to act as “cheerleaders”, applauding the announcement of each budget cut and adjustment, some of which due to their nature and social consequences should certainly never been proposed. 

If they had remained silent during the Prime Minister’s speech, they would have been more coherent with their own beliefs. 

But there’s no stopping these “cheerleaders”, perhaps because they don’t know how to do anything else. Incredible. 

3) The European Union –whose difference with the US increase daily- continues with its budget-cutting scissors in hand, continually postponing measures to stimulate growth (issue of Eurobonds, economic incentives for SMEs, R+D+I, scholarships, etc.) despite President Hollande’s efforts. 

I should mention here the “time ethic”, applicable to potentially irreversible processes that require that we take timely action. 

In 1987 I wrote, “tomorrow is always too late". And I’m repeating that today. 

32(!) conditions have been imposed for rescuing the Spanish banks... without a single measure to stimulate growth. Incredible...