Rio + 20: global Popular Mobilization for the Environment

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A great majority of citizens, especially young people, should rapidly demand attention for the great challenge of effectively preserving the environment, and particularly with respect to climate change.

Simple and precise messages should be posted on social networks, urging governments to implement Agenda 21 and other presently appropriate measures.

It’s intolerable that military spending, gas prices, and the power of the media and the stock markets with their constant short-term hounding continue to obscure the huge responsibilities of government leaders to face the serious challenges that threaten the very habitability of this planet. The supreme commitment of all human beings must be to guarantee quality of life for the coming generations.

On several occasions I have proposed the creation an Environmental Security Council in a “refounded” United Nations. It is morally inadmissible that military spending and arms purchases amount to 4,000 million dollars daily, while the necessary resources for maintaining the ecosystem are being withheld.

On all of the social networks, in the “global Puerta del Sol” of cyberspace, let’s raise our voices so that the really essential topics –food, the environment, the fight against poverty…- may be made the priority of government leaders worldwide.

Otherwise, this popular mobilization will become an outcry of such magnitude and resistance to “habitual democratic guidelines” that they will have no other choice than to change their present erroneous tendencies.