Crime of silence: the time has come. It’s time for action

Friday, April 8, 2011

Editorial Comanegra has just released “Crime of Silence: the time has come. It’s time for action", a publication in which its author, Federico Mayor Zaragoza urges citizens to take a stand and take the reins of their destinies into their own hands, rather than remaining silent spectators, and to say ENOUGH!


Awareness, foresight, prevention. Behaving in such as way as to forge the future and invent a tomorrow in consonance with equal dignity for all human beings. This commitment to the future generations requires profound transformations and radical changes, but also that we preserve the essential values that must guide our steps and serve as a point of reference when responding to the great challenges that we face.

Thus, against the wind, we must plow our fields and plant our seeds, even in bad weather and hostile environments. For centuries, in male-dominated circles of power there has been a culture of imposition, violence and dominance. And people, as obedient vassals, have remained silent and fearful.

But at last the time has come for the peoples, the women and men of the whole world, to take the reins of their destinies into their own hands. The time has come to refuse to accept the unacceptable. To rise up, to raise our voices and to offer an outstretched hand.

Information and communications technologies now make distance participation possible. And, thus, they can facilitate a transition from an economy of speculation and war to an economy of sustainable global development. From subjects to citizens. From force to words.

The time has come. It’s time for action, and to cease being passive spectators.

The time for silence is over.


Unknown said...

I fully agree and now people are speaking and hopefully those who matter will listen. There are groups still far flung working as #globalcitizensofconscience and no matter where we are let our soul speak out! Fortunate that modern technology and such social media as Facebook Twitter allows the people to speak out and uncensored by the establishment! The struggle continues but more with minds than arms! Thanks for such proud thoughts . #joimanush!

October 30, 2015 at 5:22 AM
Unknown said...

Please see also PAEP 2000 Statement: Minding Our Future

March 10, 2020 at 2:03 AM