Inventing hope everyday...

Monday, April 29, 2024

 ..... said to me María Novo, professor of art and philosophy, a few hours ago on the phone. Every unique human beings capable of creating, their supreme and distinctive faculty, can face the challenges of all kinds that beset them and can come to overwhelm them.

 The first condition is to get involved, to stop being impassive spectators of what is happening and become determined and tenacious actors. A citizenry that is aware of the extreme seriousness and potential irreversibility of some of the threats to humanity is the first and unavoidable link to move from inaction and dismay to wise and inspired action.

 Appropriate and timely action can come from knowledge or invention. The power to invent! This is the great capacity, the hope. Action and participation for the urgent transition from global governance based on force and imposition to democratic multilateralism, to the enlightened action of ‘We the peoples....’, as the UN Charter so aptly begins.

 The willingness and confidence of those who know that they know what they need to know or are capable of creating it is a source of trust and solidarity. Only in this way, can the eagerness to collaborate, to contribute to illuminating today's dark horizons, be transmitted to many fading and distracted potential collaborators, especially to the youth.

Sapere aude”, “dare to know!”, exclaimed Horace. Yes: dare to know... and then dare to know how to dare so that knowledge can unfold its immense potential. To know and to unite so that, forming a global network of great proportions, we can, as a first historic step towards a new era, eliminate the veto that disables the proper functioning of the excellent democratic design of the United Nations.

 And then to do the same with organizations, such as the European Union, which today are totally incapable of proceeding democratically because of the ‘unanimity’ requirement. Until very recently, absolute male power and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, belief and ideology did not allow for a democratic multilateral system. In recent decades, the equal dignity of all human beings has been progressively recognized and digital technology has made it possible for them to express themselves freely, to participate.

 Now we can, now we must. It is urgent to bring together institutions from all over the world, academic, scientific, artistic, etc., in order to be able, in the short term, to carry out a world governance based on words —at last— and not on force, on the force of reason, on mediation and diplomatic negotiation.

 We must make it possible on a planetary scale for education, as stated in the first article of UNESCO's Constitution, to be ‘inspired by democratic principles’ and to form ‘free and responsible’ human beings. In this way, the current territorial security could be rapidly transformed into ‘human’ security... The action plans drawn up by Garry Jacobs, President of the World Academy of Art and Science, would rapidly enable peace to be achieved, above all, on a personal level and in terms of food, health, education... Only in this way would it be possible to achieve, in a few years, governance on a global scale based on solidarity, justice, social justice, equal dignity... Only in this way would it be possible for natural intelligence to always prevail over so-called ‘artificial’ intelligence so that a large majority of human beings can reinvent hope every dawn.