Now, "we the peoples”
can. Now, we must.
Now, when, at last, we all
recognise each other's equal dignity, a fundamental pillar of human rights, and
can express ourselves freely thanks to digital technology, we can, at last,
actively participate in favour of democratic multilateralism;
we are now, at last, aware of
global threats on a world scale, some of them potentially irreversible, which
call for an urgent redirection of current trends;
now, at last, we could get
involved in global governance in order to change, as Professor José Luis
Sampedro said, "course and ship";
now, at last, the awareness of
human talent and its capacity to invent the future allows us to react with hope
in order to shed light on the horizons that are so bleak today...
Now also, as it was done in 1945 with the United Nations by the veto of the five victorious countries of the Second World War... it is the European Union, the most important entity on a global scale, which has been disqualified from decision-making by the requirement of unanimity, which amounts to a veto of all the States that make it up! What nonsense! The most qualitatively relevant organisation on Earth, skilfully removed from global governance...
when nuclear fusion appears on
the scientific horizon as the great solution for the unlimited production of
energy without pollutants;
when the insane possession of
nuclear warheads that could end the sublime mystery of life appears with
particular forcefulness;
when the habitability of the
Earth is deteriorating due to climate change, with plutocratic governance
having ignored all the proposals that have been made, some as important as
those of the "Earth Summits" (Rio de Janeiro 1992 and Johannesburg
2002), and the Resolution "to transform the world" (United Nations,
2015) on the 2030 Agenda...
when 8 billion human beings
—each unique human being, capable of creating, our hope— should be the only
socio-economic point of reference...
We must mobilise, conscious of our collective responsibility, and promote the takeover of the G7, G8... and the immediate adoption of a Universal Declaration of Democracy... while ruthlessly eliminating tax havens and regulating the consumption and trafficking of illegal drugs...
For the first time in history, we are in a position to invent the future of humanity's prodigy, with the collaboration of the experience of the elders and the verve of the youngest, to illuminate with special care the paths of tomorrow.
This great mobilisation in favour of a culture of peace could save "succeeding generations" —in the words of the United Nations Charter— many mistakes, many horrors...