"The Paris Climate Summit, finally an agreement. Now it is necessary to ensure its implementation "

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"All hands together represent/
 the new birth, ours, yours ... " 
Jose Angel Valente in "Nadie"

After the “Climate Summit”, recently held in Paris (from November 30 to December 13) with representatives of most States in the world, it seems appropriate to begin this document to urge implementation of the agreements reached, remembering the Earth Charter, one of the most brilliant reference in so somber and turbulent times. It starts as follows: "We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future ...". And concludes as follows: "As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning”. 

From now on, we must adopt behaviors and lifestyles in order that year 2020 is really the beginning of a firm and coordinated real action, in order that the agreed measures do not take place in an ecological context even more somber than the current one. It is necessary that previsions just approved with such difficulty and urgency can be achieved with diligence. It requires well-trained, supervisory and appropriate regulatory mechanisms. 

In the Anthropocene, to ensure habitability of the Earth and a decent life for all human beings, is an essential responsibility because the basis of all human rights is the equal dignity, regardless of gender, skin color, belief, ideology, age ... after centuries and centuries of absolute male power, social inequalities and extreme poverty prevail in an Earth that, influenced by human activity, is deteriorating. 

We live in a digital era. Freedom of expression allows the progressive participation of all citizens in decision-making, in order that democratic systems will be strengthened and deep changes will be feasible because three favorable facts coincide: 1) the knowledge of what is happening in the world, the increasing solidarity feelings not only material but "intellectual and moral", as stated in the preamble of the UNESCO’s Constitution); 2) more women in decision-making, acting accordingly their inherent faculties, and 3) the possibility of distance participation, because of modern communications technology and information. 

From now on, the power must not only hear but listen to the opinions of all citizens permanently. The time of silence is over. 

The “Earth Summit” was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 -twenty three years ago!- However, the popular feeling has not had the necessary impact in the media of all kinds that could warn governments. 

We have looked up passively how "markets" have appointed governments without elections in Italy and Greece, the cradle of democracy. We live in an economy based on exclusion, short-term interest, speculation, production delocalization, in preparing for war, which has led to a situation of extraordinary complexity that requires, especially considering potentially irreversible processes, to adopt urgent measures in correcting the direction of present trends. Much is said of the "welfare state"... that has been reduced to 20% of the inhabitants of the Earth, who live in wealthy neighborhoods of the global village. In a step gradient of poverty and insecurity, 80% of humanity survives in very difficult conditions. To all of this, should not be added the historical intergenerational grievance that would represent the reduction of the quality of life without the possibility of reestablishing it later. 

The word com-partir (to share) -which was the key of the United Nations System in the 50’sand 60’s- has been progressively silenced and, instead of strengthening the least developed countries with an integral, endogenous, sustainable and human development, aids to development have been reduced to unbelievable limits and, the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development "lost" his name and has become a tool at the service of big financial institutions; and the Nation-State has been weakened, progressively transferring resources and power to giant multinational structures. 

What has been achieved in Paris is all right but under the condition that from now on, the agreed guidelines are carried on at world level. And global problems require global structures. The implementation cannot be entrusted to some “judge and jury” countries and not even to the inefficient plutocratic groups (G7, G8, G20) but to the democratic multilateralism, to a "renovated" United Nations -which were dis-united and marginalised by neoliberals-. Yes now, even now, only they can carry out some urgent functions of ecological and social emergency. 

I never tire of repeating that re-founding the United Nations System is more necessary than ever, in order to, as stated in the United Nations Charter, be able, in the shortest possible time, that "the peoples" and -not only the States- are represented in the General Assembly and scientific progress allows a dignified life for all inhabitants of the Earth, through an economy that takes care of the priorities well established by the United Nations System long time ago: food (agriculture, aquaculture and biotechnology); general access to drinking water (collection, management, desalination ...); quality health services; protecting the environment (CO2 emissions, renewable energy, etc.); education and peace. To have an education that provides global consciousness for all: this is a crucial issue because the neighbor may be near or distant. And the environmental care should not be limited to the closest but must be extended, because destiny is common throughout the world. 

Today we are able to look at the world and we must observe it -"how difficult it is to observe what we see every day," said Julian Marias- in order that every day does not mean accepting the unacceptable and that the “side effects" of the current system are inevitable. That genocide of abandonment and starvation takes place every day; the way we treat those who try to reach the most developed countries because they are starving in their places of origin ... must be rejected by the public outcry with an increasing influence in cyberspace. In the digital era, we will be able to apply the great adaptation of the known proverb written by Mario Benedetti: "Everything depends on the pain of the beholder”. 

It is necessary to invent the future. "Imagine" the future with the increasing participation of world citizens, able to meet and agree through virtual social networks of progressive importance and mobilization capacity that will propose solutions to different problems becoming a relevant part of the democratic process at local and global scales. 

From all points of view, it is unacceptable that every day thousands of people die, most of them children from one to five years old, at the same time that 3 billion dollars are invested in armament and military expenditures. 

The implementation of the Objectives for Sustainable Development requires a "global outcry”, as praised by the International Peace Bureau, Nobel Peace Prize 1910, to achieve means for "disarmament for development". Security would not be affected: it would be enough with a third of what is currently invested to "protect" the 20% of humanity... 

Political, economic and social innovation. Elimination of tax evasion and corruption without hesitation using as well alternative financing sources such as electronic finance transactions; contributions strictly proportional to income; conceptual review and work practice and employment, suitable for digital era ... 

This "new beginning" will be necessary as well, with promptness and good sense, to share adequately the benefits obtained from the exploitation of natural resources between those who have the technology and the inhabitants of the areas where these resources are located. 

What now should not do humanity, knowing also that points of no return of irreversible deterioration can be reached, is to tolerate that large military-industrial consortia continue earning huge profits and support the perverse adage "If you want peace, prepare for war" ... and that large fortunes remain generally unsupportive -85 people, according to OXFAM- have more wealth than half of humanity (3,3 billion!). Monetary Europe cannot admit refugees and migrants ... but can waste billions on tax evasion and tax havens. Now "people" will not allow it. I remember that magnificent 15-M slogan: "If you do not let us dream, we do not will let you sleep." The time has come not letting them sleep!. 

Demography and more longevity will benefit citizen involvement. The enormous geographical diversity will be redressed by the "closeness" of those, from places far apart, who will provide their views. 

Let us say loud and clear to all who are now responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the "Summit": it is urgent a new world vision, with new lifestyles. The great personal and collective challenge is to change the model of living. The world is entering a new era. We have much to save for the future and many other things to change decisively. Finally, “the peoples”. Finally, the voice of the people. Finally, the citizen power. Finally, the word and not the force. A culture of peace and non-violence and never more a culture of war.

The "Paris Summit" was, even though late, an encouraging first step. Now thinking of children and youth, we must continue apace. It is a priority and inexorable duty.

Another unforgivable omission: the call of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The fifteenth Annual Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, held in Barcelona on 12-15 November 2015, attended by 19 winners, nine persons and ten institutions.

It is a real scandal that their warning outcries have been silenced. The immense and biased media powers do not let hearing their wise and timely recommendations. Although time is running out, they want us passive, standardized and abet spectators.

"We, the peoples ..." must react:



We, the Nobel Peace Laureates and Peace Organisations, in the presence of youth from all over the world, gathered together in Barcelona from 12 - 15 November 2015, have considered issues affecting world peace - with special emphasis on the current refugee and migration crisis.

We are profoundly shocked and outraged by the barbaric killing of more than 150 innocent people in Paris on the evening of 13 November. We express our deepest sympathy and solidarity with the families of the victims and with the people of France. 

This outrageous attack stresses the urgent need to address the root causes of the current refugee crisis and insecurity in the world. This situation should not be abused to demonise refugees and the Muslim community.

As Nobel Peace Laureates and Laureate organisations we join with millions of individuals, organisations, communities and cities who every day make a difference by working for a better and more peaceful world. 

We collectively raise our voices in compassion for the millions of refugees who have been forced to leave their homes. We affirm that the manner in which we honour and protect their inherent dignity and human rights is a measure of our own humanity.

We are particularly concerned about the plight of women and children whose lives have been devastated by conflict, repression and deprivation. We must and can eliminate the conditions that compel people to leave from their homes.

The refugee and migration crisis does not exist in isolation. It is a symptom of the broader problems that confront humanity that include
       continuing conflict in many countries;
       the consequences of militarism, extreme nationalism and the use of force and proxy wars by global powers in pursuit of strategic, financial and ideological interests;
       distorted religious beliefs that lead to horrific acts of violence;
       the failure of governance characterised by rampant corruption, persecution and the absence of democracy, basic human rights and the rule of law;
       the gross inequalities in opportunities and in economic and social wellbeing between and within the so-called developed and developing countries;
       the failure to accommodate, tolerate and appreciate the value of religious, cultural and ethnic diversity;
       the growing impact of climate change that will increasingly threaten food security and disrupt the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the most vulnerable societies; and
       the criminal exploitation of refugees by human smugglers.

We believe that many of these problems can be solved if the international community fulfils its commitment to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that nations have already adopted as the framework for a comprehensive, practical and achievable path to a secure and peaceful future.

We also call on the international community to
·         address the root causes of the refugee and migration crisis while assuring access to asylum;
·         redouble efforts to bring peace to Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, Palestine/Israel, Somalia, South Sudan, the Central African Republic and other societies in conflict in a process that includes the peoples involved - especially women - and concerned nations;
·         prevent ethnic conflict and repression by recognising the value of diversity and by protecting the rights of minorities;
·         identify and prosecute those responsible for human smuggling;

True security will never be achieved by military force or by the possession and threat of nuclear weapons. It requires adherence to international humanitarian law and global cooperation in meeting the authentic needs of humanity. We call on the nations of the world to:
       redirect each year at least 10% of annual military expenditure of over 1.8 trillion dollars to implement the programs required for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals;
       implement fully the Arms Trade Treaty and end illicit arms trading;
       put an immediate end to any new arms race - especially the modernisation of nuclear arsenals and the pursuit of fully autonomous weapons systems; and
       fulfil the legal obligation to commence negotiations now to eliminate nuclear weapons.

True personal, national and global security is found in the practical application of compassion.


We Nobel Peace Laureates and Laureate Organizations remain seized of and address more fully these specific critical issues in the following Appendix:

1.  The Sustainable Development Goals:
The nations of the world have collectively agreed to a set of goals to be obtained by 2030. These commitments when put into practice will be a model of cooperative security. It is worthwhile to list the specific goals and their underlying policy commitments, targets, and demand political leaders enact programs to achieve them. The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on September, 25, 2015, contains 17 Goals and 169 associated targets (http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/69/L.85&Lang=E)

2.  Nuclear Disarmament

Nine nations: United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, United States, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea possess and currently threaten to use nuclear weapons. There are around 16,000 of these horrific devices, with over 95% possessed by Russia and the United States.  There is a legal obligation to negotiate their universal elimination contained in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and clearly set forth in a unanimous decision of the International Court of Justice.

International Humanitarian Law prohibits the use of any weapon in a manner that does not discriminate between civilians and combatants or inflicts unnecessary suffering. Furthermore, it is illegal to threaten populated areas with weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons violate these prohibitions. Their horrific capacity for destruction renders the threat of their use immoral and in breach of International Humanitarian Law. Policies founded on this threat are an unstable, unacceptable manner of pursuing security.

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty requires the prohibition and verifiable elimination of nuclear weapons. The nuclear-armed states have failed to comply with these nuclear disarmament obligations. They must be called to account by the international community and compelled to act responsibly. In the past two years, a new momentum has built up in the movement to ban and abolish nuclear weapons. Three international state conferences in Oslo, Nayarit, and Vienna provided much of the expert evidence that has now been summarized and submitted to the 2015 NPT Review Conference and to the 70th session of the UN General Assembly as the humanitarian basis for nuclear disarmament.

A “Humanitarian Pledge”, launched at the conclusion of the Vienna conference on the Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons in December of 2014, has already been joined by 121 states. The Pledge identifies a legal gap that has enabled the nuclear-armed states to evade compliance with their disarmament obligations and calls for action to close that gap in order to “stigmatize, prohibit, and eliminate nuclear weapons.” We are inspired by the Five Point plan of  United Nations Secretary Genearl Ban Ki-moon which calls for a convention or framework of legal instruments eliminating nuclear weapons as well as the powerful new insight of Pope Francis and the Holy See which has identified the possession and threat of use of nuclear weapons to be immoral. Its analysis is that deterrence theory which serves to justify possession and threat of use of nuclear weapons is premised on the intent, readiness and willingness to annihilate millions of innocent people and that such a posture cannot be considered moral, therefor both the threat to use as well as  the possession of nuclear weapons is immoral.

As Nobel Peace Laureates, we urge all States to join the Humanitarian Pledge, to make the evidence about the consequences of nuclear weapons a central focus of political and diplomatic process to ban and eliminate them, and to build upon the momentum of this new humanitarian initiative in order to ensure that there are no further delays on the road to a nuclear-weapons-free world

Pending the obtaining of the legal, verifiable, enforceable elimination of these weapons and consistent with commitments already made under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to diminish the Role of nuclear weapons in security policies, we ….

We also commend strongly the hard work of the diplomats and the success obtained by the Security Council Resolution 2231 on Iran that prevents further proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East Diplomatic efforts were equally successful in ending Syria’s chemical weapons program and demonstrate that when the political support and will is there, solutions to pressing security threats can be achieved. We urge such commitment to the commencement of negotiations on the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons…..

We condemn the billions of dollars that several nuclear weapons states are committing to spending to modernize their arsenals as well as the arms race such actions are stimulating.

3.  Climate Change:

The recent 5th Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sent three overarching messages to the world: 1) Human influence on the climate system is clear, and growing, 2) we must act quickly and decisively if we want to avoid increasingly destructive outcomes and 3) we have the means to limit climate change and build a better future. The report addressed explicitly the implications of climate change on human security, including migration, displacement and violent conflicts. The key findings of the IPCC in this regard are as follows:

 Climate change over the 21st century is projected to increase displacement of people. Displacement risks increase when populations that lack the resources for planned migration experience higher exposure to extreme weather events, in both rural and urban areas, particularly in developing countries with low income…..

The impacts of climate change on the critical infrastructure and territorial integrity of many states are expected to influence national security policies…… 

Building a low-carbon world to stabilize the climate will create new opportunities for individuals, companies and countries to share.

Climate change will increasingly affect all citizens and economic sectors around the world and will hit the poor and least favored hardest. It is therefore imperative that the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change to be held in Paris, France on 30 November-11 December 2015, establish a comprehensive agreement to support swift and decisive action by all member States to address adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.


The Summit was attended by nine Nobel Peace laureates:

1         President Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez
2         President Frederik Willem De Klerk
3         Dr. Shirin Ebadi
4         Mrs. Tawakkol Karman
5         Mrs. Mairead Corrigan Maguire
6         Lord David Trimble
7         President Lech Walesa
8         Mrs. Betty Williams
9         Prof. Jody Williams

and ten Nobel Peace Laureate organizations:
1          The American Friends Service Committee
2         European Commission
3         International Campaign to Ban Landmines
4         International Labour Organization
5         the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
6         International Peace Bureau
7         International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
8         Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
9         United Nations
10     United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

However, they do not all necessarily support all aspects of the general consensus that emerged from the Summit's deliberations.
The voice of the Nobel Prizes is ignored. The world, without a compass, ruled by plutocratic groups (G7, G8, G20 ...) instead of a re-founded, strong, active and efficient United Nations.

It is urgent to rise firmly and tenaciously the people's voice.

Full Declaration:

"We, the peoples ..." should not continue tolerating the brutality of the death penalty and executions

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Saudi Arabia remains a country where every day human rights are infringed while –“The money is a Big Lord”- other countries look the other way and with the greed of large public works or fuel supply, keep avoiding their serious brink of nonsense.

The cruelty of Saudi Arabia has led in recent days to execute more than fifty persons "too much at once". And nothing happens. Europe ignores the enforcement of Article 2 of their Charter of Fundamental Rights ... because it is just a monetary Union ... and because the Republican Party of the United States continues practicing the capital punishment in States where it rules. And so, while Texas is still executing, how can be recriminated those of Saudi Arabia?

They deserve the dreadful phrase of Albert Camus: "They were despised because they could have done so much, but dared so little”.

A public outcry so that United Nations, marginalized by the "globalizers", be re-founded promptly and act diligently in order that death penalty will soon be a bitter memory.