The "International Day of
Democracy" is the right time to think out loud about democracy, what
means, what represents as everyday behaviour at a personal, local, regional and
international scale, how the “democratic principles enshrined in the UNESCO’s
Constitution in 1945can be better respected and implemented worldwide as the
best solution to face the present
The situation is especially complex and
difficult, especially in Europe, where have been the markets that have
conditioned the political action to the point of, in the cradle of democracy
such as Greece and Italy, to appoint the governments without elections. It was
a terrible mistake allow to the “neoliberal globalizers” to substitute the
ethical values by the market laws and the United Nations by plutocratic groups
(G-6, G-7, G-8… G-20). The systemic
crisis is so profound that a “new beginning” is to be promptly envisaged.
This year “leit motiv” of the
International Day is “to reinforce voices in favour of democracy”. “In the
heart of democracy –has written the Secretary General of the United Nations-
lies the capacity to express the voice of the people to decide the way in which
is to be governed”.
Today is possible, for the first
time in history, the on-line participation thanks to modern communication
technology. Use it, join voices, thousands, millions of voices, in order that
"formal" democracy loses weight and genuine democracy, taking into account permanently the citizens that
represents, is strengthened.
I will never forget when,
talking one day about "true" democracy, my father said to me: "Democracy
is based on sharing". Those who have more, those more fortunate must show
solidarity and offer equal opportunities to those who have less. Those who
accumulate, those that evade their tax responsibilities, must not forget this:
democracy is to share, to take permanently the others, specially the most
vulnerable, into account.
The Charter of the UN, which
was adopted on behalf of the «Peoples of the United Nations», reaffirms the «faith
in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in
the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small»…
However, the term “democracy” is not used in any of its provisions.
The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights only mentions democracy once in Article 29.2:
“…human rights based mainly, but not solely, on the requirements “of
morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society”.
During the “cold war” democracy
took shelter in the regional Organizations (the European Council, the
Organization of American States and, some time later, the European Union).
Since 1989 democracy has continuously been dealt with by international Organizations: United
Nations, the African Union, the Inter-Parliamentary Union… which this year,
precisely, promotes the celebration of the International Day in all its
associated Parliaments in 162 countries.
can only exist if human rights are respected and protected, while human rights
may in turn only flourish within a democratic regime.
all the reasons mentioned above, some years ago we drafted –with Karel Vasak,
Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo, Mario Soares, Edgar Morin, Javier Pérez de
Cuéllar, François de Bernard…- one project of a “Universal Declaration of
Democracy” that was presented in October 2012 in the European Council and,
afterwards, has incorporated important remarks and comments from many
specialists. The Declaration has right now a very important number of
signatories ( ).
is the first time that democracy is dealt with in all its facets: political,
economic, social, cultural and international democracy.
think that is interesting to quote here the following articles of the
“Article 1. Democracy is a political, economic, social,
cultural and international regime, based on the respect for human being, the
supremacy and independence of justice and law, as well as on the possibility
for any individual to participate in the life and development of society, in
freedom and peace and in a favourable natural and cultural environment, being
always fully conscious of the equal dignity and interdependence of the human
“Article 11.1
Democracy shall develop economic systems based on social justice, to which all
the other aspects and dimensions of the economic life will be always
subordinated, in a context of competence and fair and free cooperation, in order to achieve a human and sustainable
economic development growth, shared
prosperity, the promotion of employment
and labour, and a rational use of economic, nutritional, natural and energy
resources, with the main objective of ensuring to everybody
to have access
to the goods and services - particularly health services- necessary
for a dignified life”.
it is based on freedom and human rights, the democratic regime is indeed the
best guarantee for national and international peace, combining the efforts of all actors in social life: States,
individuals, public and private organizations. Only in such conditions can a
transition from a culture of imposition, domination, violence and war to a culture
of conversation, conciliation, alliance and peace take place. Summing up: from
force to word.